Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) التطبيقات

RE-Invest 2015 1.3.1
The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy,Government of India is organizing the first Renewable Energy GlobalInvestors Meet & Expo (RE-Invest) on 15-17 February 2015 in NewDelhi, as a follow-up to the ‘Make in India’ initiative launched bythe Prime Minister of India. The central theme of RE-Invest is toattract large scale investments for the renewable energy sector inindia. The event is proposed to be inaugurated by the Hon’ble PrimeMinister of India.
Make In India 1.0
Make In India week 13th - 18th Feb2016,Mumbai
India@75 - Count Me In 3.0
The Count Me In App is a "Call For Action"forthe India@75 Movement.India@75 envisions how India should be in her 75th yearofindependence. We need to collaborate to create an India@75thatwill actively shape the new world order through economicstrength,technological vitality and moral leadership.The Count Me In App gives you a chance to be a part of themovementthrough your preferred choice of support, and in thesubsequentupdates the app will provide you with opportunitiestoconstructively impact and make a difference to issues andcausesthat you care about.Count Yourself In to be a part of India's TransformationalJourneyNow!
OIFC 1.0
This App is to help delegates of OIFC tostayin touch with the organisers. It will also enable them toconnectto other delegates and set up meetings during theevent.
Indian Women Network an initiative by CIISouthern Region was ideated in 2012 and the organization waslaunched in January 2013 after many rounds of intense deliberationsby the Steering Committee and a brief survey done among corporateon the key stakeholders and deliverable of an organization forwomen by women.
ConnecT'14 1.1
CONNECT '14 is being organised at NewDelhi,India from 10 -12 October, 2014. It is open to any company intheUK with an interest in developing or exploring the Indianmarket.In India, CONNECT '14 is a Closed Convention,Delegateregistrations are restricted to BBG Members only Membersonlythough other British companies considering joining a BBG arealsowelcome to apply. Know moreat App is to help delegates of CONNECT ’14 to stay in touchwiththe organisers. It will also enable them to connect tootherdelegates and set up meetings during the event.
myCII EAM 1.2 EAM App enables CII staff memberstouse critical operational functions in My CII through theirSmartPhone irrespective of their place of operation. The Appwouldenable enhanced efficiency and effectiveness.
CII Policy Updates 5.0.2903
CII Policy Updates app serves as a stock taking tool ofindustry’spolicy advocacy with Central, State and LocalGovernments. ThePolicy Updates app presents the list of policy andregulatoryissues, new policy suggestions made by industry topromote exportsand investments, improve competitiveness of Indianindustry ingeneral and specific sectors including social sectors tothe users.
myCII Employees 16.53
myCII Employee Access Module (EAM).
CII Councils & Committees 5.0.4143
CII Council and Committee app is a one stop platform to access thedigital version of important Agenda/Circular/Meeting Notice issuedby CII. Users can view the information online through the app. Theapp has a provision to initiate online discussions on significantsubjects and seek comments from other users. The mobile app alsofeatures networking opportunities to interact and network withother users. In addition, users can keep a track of recent updatesand activities happening in the committee and receive instantnotifications. This is a CII initiative to provide online servicesthrough digital media.
India Africa Conclave 2.0.7
Official App of the CII-Exim Bank Conclave on India - AfricaProjectPartnership. The event is one of India's largest AfricaFocusedBusiness Events, promoting partnership at three levels -Government,Institutional and Enterprise. The Conclave hassuccessfully beenable to build a bridge between Indian and Africanbusinessmen andsenior government officials, under the public -private -partnership model. It has emerged as one of the largestcongregationof senior ministers, policy makers and businessleaders from Africaand India,cutting across sectors.
Reinvest 1.2
3rd Global RE-INVEST 2020
SIDM 1.0.3633
Get regular updates on Indian Defence Industry from SocietyofIndian Defence Manufacturers (SIDM), the Apex IndustryAssociationfor Defence & Aerospace. The SIDM App is a trustedsource fornews and reports about Indian Defence & AerospaceIndustry, newbusiness opportunities in Indian Defence &Aerospace Sector aswell as for policy and regulatory updates. TheAPP also showcasesthe capabilities of Indian Defence R&D andManufacturing.
CII 6.0.3657
The Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) works to createandsustain an environment conducive to the development ofIndia,partnering industry, Government, and civil society,throughadvisory and consultative processes. CII is anon-government,not-for-profit, industry-led and industry-managedorganization,playing a proactive role in India's developmentprocess. Foundedover 118 years ago, India's premier businessassociation has over7100 members, from the private as well aspublic sectors, includingSMEs and MNCs, and an indirect membershipof over 90,000enterprises from around 257 national and regionalsectoral industrybodies. CII charts change by working closely withGovernment onpolicy issues, interfacing with thought leaders, andenhancingefficiency, competitiveness and business opportunities forindustrythrough a range of specialized services and strategicgloballinkages. It also provides a platform for consensus-buildingandnetworking on key issues. Extending its agenda beyond business,CIIassists industry to identify and execute corporatecitizenshipprogrammes. Partnerships with civil societyorganizations carryforward corporate initiatives for integrated andinclusivedevelopment across diverse domains including affirmativeaction,healthcare, education, livelihood, diversity management,skilldevelopment, empowerment of women, and water, to name a few.TheCII Theme for 2013-14 is Accelerating Economic GrowththroughInnovation, Transformation, Inclusion and Governance.Towards this,CII advocacy will accord top priority to stepping upthe growthtrajectory of the nation, while retaining a strong focusonaccountability, transparency and measurement in the corporateandsocial eco- system, building a knowledge economy, andbroad-basingdevelopment to help deliver the fruits of progress toall. With 63offices, including 9 Centres of Excellence in India,and 7 overseasoffices in Australia, China, Egypt, France,Singapore, UK, and USA,as well as institutional partnerships with224 counterpartorganizations in 90 countries, CII serves as areference point forIndian industry and the international businesscommunity.Confederation of Indian Industry The Mantosh SondhiCentre 23,Institutional Area, Lodi Road, New Delhi – 110 003(India) T: 91 1145771000 / 24629994-7 • F: 91 11 24626149 • Reach us via our Membership Helpline:00-91-11-435 46244/ 00-91-99104
Sustainability Summit 4.9.8
We are an amazingly interconnected world. This happened millionsofyears before modern trade and tech made the world flatandinterconnected. Interconnected organic and inorganicmicrosystemsinteract to form a complex system. Different butrelated terms -Chaos Theory, Butterfly Effect, Telecoupling, GaiaHypothesis – areused to express the interconnectedness between andthe impacts ondifferent microsystems. A policy decision, a naturaloccurrence, asocial event, a technology application, may cascadeevents witheffects elsewhere. We are beginning to realise thestrength ofinterconnectedness and interactions betweenmicrosystems. Bigproblems like those we are faced with require bigsolutions, basedon a systems approach. Clayton and Radcliffe in'Sustainability – ASystems Approach' note that “A systems approach…provides amulti-dimensional framework in which information fromdifferentdisciplines and domains can be integrated without beingforced intoa one-dimensional mapping” The whole must be looked at,as well asthe parts and the connections between the parts and theinfluencethey exact upon each other in order to understand it fully(as wellas the environment in which the system is placed and anyexternalfactors or mitigating forces) O'CONNOR & MCDERMOTT inThe Artof Systems Thinking. Advanced technologies are aidingcomprehensionand in speculating the impacts, but the real impactsare stilllargely unknown. The complexity of system grows with theincreasingunderstanding of the interconnectedness. Scientificunderstandingof complex interactions between microsystems and asystems approachare required to build the regenerative capacity ofEarth to sustainlife. Development and deployment of solutions,including dataanalytics, artificial intelligence, biomaterials,genetics, mustidentify their impact on microsystems and be based onsystemsthinking. CII’s 14th Sustainability Summit is designed tobring tofore science-based (natural sciences, social sciencesandphilosophy) understanding, examples of systems approach inpolicymaking, product design, and business reengineering,andsustainability solutions that provide intergenerational justice..
Excon 2021 4.12.93
Infrastructure sector is a key driver for the Indian economy.Thesector is highly responsible for propelling India’soveralldevelopment and enjoys intense focus from Government forinitiatingpolicies that would ensure time-bound creation of worldclassinfrastructure in the country. Infrastructure sectorincludespower, bridges, dams, roads, and urban infrastructuredevelopment.The Government of India is expected to invest highly intheinfrastructure sector, mainly highways, renewable energy, andurbantransport.
CII Alpha 1.0.2096
ICONN Alpha is an app-backed, community-driven resource forum.